Industrial Pest Control Solutions

Dynamic Pest Solutions are committed to providing effective and sustainable pest control solutions for Australian businesses meeting relevant industry standards and legal requirements, to ensure healthy work environments.

The movement of goods through warehouses and storage facilities increases the risk of pest infestation. After products leave the dock or airport, local pests can easily infest stores products aboard and gain access to your premises. Pests can set up home on the container, packaging or in your products.

Storage facilities are vulnerable to pest infestation. Different goods, such as grains, fertilisers and organic material can carry a number of pests. Doors are often open in storage areas. So rodents and cockroaches can enter with ease.

Cardboard boxes and pallets provide ideal harbouring conditions for cockroaches, which are attracted to damp, unclean areas, this has been more common recently with the rain and flooding. Although cockroaches are shy, they become very visible once their numbers reach a threshold. A cockroach infestation can invade warehouses and storage facilities, even if you don’t store food. As these areas are open, our pest control technicians will treat inside your facility as well as the perimeter.

Another pest we find around loading docks, skip bins, regular bins and within storage areas are rodents. Rats and mice spread diseases and increase very quickly in number. These have also become more common since the unprecedented amount of rain and floods in NSW. Pests can quickly disrupt your supply chain.

Rodents, cockroaches and other insects can cause the following problems.

  • Damage to product packaging

  • Customer rejection of goods

  • Unsafe and/or unhygienic workplace

  • Damage to your business reputation

  • Damage to products

  • Cause loss of profits

Complete our Industrial Quote Request form below to have a pest control technician call you to discuss your pest control solutions.

Industrial Quote Request